Words of Encouragement
Uplift and Inspire
This page is a space for sponsors and supporters to share heartfelt notes of encouragement, prayers, or kind words for the PDL Coaches. Your messages uplift and inspire the coaches as they continue their impactful work.
Heartfelt Messages of Encouragement for Our PDL Coaches
Thank you for your faithfulness in standing in the gap!
I wanted to say thank you for your faithfulness in standing in the gap like Proverbs 24:11-12 holding back those stumbling to the slaughter. Your patience, and the words of truth, yea, the Word of Truth you bring to those captured by the Enemy to do his bidding, honor...
Thankful for each of YOU!!!
The role you play in the Pro Abundant Life ministry is vital! Thankful for the hearts and ears that the Lord has given each of you and praying that God continues to equip you each with wisdom as you serve!
Sending thanks to you for ALL you do
Your dedication to the pro-abundant life movement is a powerful testimony of God’s love and grace. Every conversation you have, every prayer you offer, and every heart you encourage is a seed planted for eternity. You are on the frontlines of a battle that matters,...
Big hearts
This team has hearts that are reflective of the Lord's. The way they serve with compassion reminds me of Jesus, they see the person and remember that the person they are serving is loved by the Lord! Such great wisdom.
Thank you!
Dear coaches, Thank you for standing in the gap for precious little lives with compassion and for sharing God’s infinite love to all who reach out. Thank you for being used by God to make a difference in so many lives. Even when things seem hopeless, you are making a...
May God continue to bless and encourage you…
We are constantly inspired by the challenging work you do. Your ministry to these beloved people in their time of need is so incredibly beautiful and necessary. We pray that you find great success and do not grow weary, but rather are continuously refreshed by the...
What you do at PDL matters
A young girl was walking along the beach dismayed at the great number of starfish that had washed up on shore. She was concerned that as the sun rose in the sky the starfish would die, so she began tossing them back into the water as she walked along. A crusty old...
Praying over you!
Father God, we thank you for each of the PDL coaches and the way they share your love with every caller. Would you please fill them with wisdom as they minister to callers? Would you give them the right words to say in the middle of hard conversations? And Lord, would...
Words of encouragement
PDL coaches, Thank you for what you are doing! You are the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are desperately in need of a touch from God. They may not even know they need that touch, but you have the words of truth to share with them. Your words are those of hope,...
Thank you
When you’re in the heat of crisis or trauma or even just intense decisions, I can’t imagine a more Godly response than being the listening ear or the shoulder to cry on. What you are doing is sharing Christ in thought, word, and deed. Thank you for being His hands,...
To Our Frontline Angels!
Thank you so much for being a compassionate, informed voice for those who don't know where to turn or what to do next. You're like the first responders of our pro-abundant life triage! May Christ sustain you and give you wisdom through those tough calls - Anna
Thank you
Dear PDL Team, God has given you a heart for your ministry calling and thank you for being faithful and obedient! Your ministry is touching lives of men, women and children -- the next generation of Jesus-followers. Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the...
Daily Prayer for You
Even though I don't know any of you by name, I want you to know that I pray for you every day. I pray you will have incredible wisdom as you counsel women on the phone. I also ask the Lord to use you to teach women how to be mothers, men how to be fathers and both how...
God Bless your work
Your effort is so helpful in this most important battle. As difficult as it must be, you are working at the pinnacle of human needs. We must win this battle, Thank you for your deep seated personal commitment. - Janet and Michael Zemke
Thank you for everything you do!
Thank you for loving and caring for young women and men who are facing unplanned pregnancies! Your callers need a safe and non-judgmental place to process their fears and concerns. They also deserved to be given ALL the information needed to make an informed choice...