Stories & Prayers from the Front Lines

PDL Coach

“I could hear the confusion and desperation in her voice as the young woman on the other end of the line explained her predicament. The gravity of her decision to have an empty one night stand didn’t fully set in until she found herself staring at a positive pregnancy test. Here she was, making a phone call with the hope that the stranger on the other end of the line would tell her how she could get a pill that was supposedly going to solve her problem. The Lord was so much more faithful than this young woman ever could have imagined; He surrounded her with people who spoke truth and life. I connected to her local pregnancy center where she met her precious baby on the ultrasound and chose life. We also connected her to a church, as well as a ministry that focuses on mentoring first time moms. This story is a true testament of God’s faithfulness and perfect love and I have been so blessed to watch Him write this story. It is far better than any story this young woman could have written for herself. The Lord is using this unplanned pregnancy to draw her closer to Him and to bless her with special relationships and experiences that have shown her the true meaning of living an abundant life.”

Coach Tabitha

“I need every prayer warrior on deck! I spoke with a young lady today that took the first abortion pill and now she regrets doing it. She was worried and wanted to know if she could be helped. She was able to be connected to the Abortion Pill Reversal Network for assistance. Please help me lift her up in prayer that she and her baby will be okay. Please pray that she made it in time to reverse the effects of that pill. I’m thanking God that she changed her mind and chose life!! Pray that she is surrounded by God fearing supportive people that can help guide her in the right direction in her life journey.”

Coach Deborah

“Please join me in praying for a very young mom who called us with a question the day before her scheduled abortion. Praise God she chose life for her baby after postponing her abortion appointment to get an ultrasound. She has experienced a lot of trauma. She knows of God but does not have a personal relationship with Him. Please pray the Lord would heal her heart and she would come to know the Lord as her Savior. Thank you for your prayers!”

Coach Rebecca

“Please pray for a very young mom who has 2 kids. She is into her 2nd trimester and was planning on completing this 3rd pregnancy until last night when her boyfriend became emotionally and physically violent with her. She now has an abortion scheduled but is struggling with that decision. She has no family support. We had a very good conversation and when we hung up she was saying “If” I have the abortion instead of “when”. This is GOOD! Pray that God would reveal HIMSELF and his power to keep her just as He did to Hagar. The God who sees…Who makes a way.”

Coach Sheila

“Please be in prayer for a PDL caller whom I have been coaching for a few weeks. She initially was excited about being pregnant but the father of the baby is pressuring her to get an abortion. Despite numerous attempts at encouraging her to schedule an ultrasound appointment she seemed uninterested. I called her today because in a previous conversation she said she would be receiving abortion pills on March 2nd. She has not yet received them [the abortion pills] and even better, she finally scheduled an ultrasound appointment at a pregnancy center. Her ultrasound appointment is tomorrow at 10am CST. Pray that her ultrasound appointment goes well and that her heart is turned toward life, both in the womb and in Christ.”

Coach Emily

“I’m reaching out for prayer today for the father of the baby I have been speaking with. He had originally called because his girlfriend wanted to have an abortion, and he wanted her to carry the baby. She went from wanting the abortion to being undecided, and he continued to talk with me about ways he could support and encourage her. Sadly, she did end up taking the abortion pills, and he is understandably devastated. Please pray for both of them. She is experiencing the regret we so often see, and he is heartbroken at the loss of his child. Also- please pray for all father’s who find themselves in this situation. So often they are forgotten or not considered in the decision making process, and many truly want to support and care for their babies.”

PDL Coach

“I want to share a huge praise with you all today. A few weeks ago I spoke with a caller who appeared to be closed-off and reserved during the call. Over the past couple of weeks I have been able to follow-up with and have good conversations, and this week she opened up and shared she had an abortion appointment in just a few hours. During that same phone call, I learned she is post-abortive and has been struggling for years with her decision and she was not sure if she wanted to attend the abortion appointment that day. I later learned that she did go but decided to walk out and has chosen life for her precious baby. Thank you Jesus!! Please join me in praying for healing from her previous abortion and that she would come to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Coach Misty

“If I could have everyone be praying for one of my callers. I have been talking with her for just about a week now. She is so sweet and is just scared about having a newborn again. The first time we spoke she had an abortion appointment later that day. We had a very long conversation and I spoke about the importance of ultrasound and I asked her if I was able to get her into a pregnancy center where they offer free ultrasounds if she would go there instead of the abortion clinic. She agreed. She ended up scheduling an appointment with the pregnancy center and not going to her abortion appointment. As of right now she is still abortion minded. I just ask for your prayers for peace and for the Lord to send any roadblocks her way on getting that abortion and a change of heart.”

PDL Coach

“Please join PDL in praying for a very abortion determined young woman who I have been speaking with for the past week. By God’s grace I was able to get her on the phone yesterday during follow ups and she shared with me that she was actually in the car driving to her appointment at the abortion clinic as we spoke. I was able to talk to her about the benefits of going to a pregnancy center and the importance of having an ultrasound done before moving forward with an abortion procedure. Her local pregnancy center agreed to take her right then as a walk-in and she re-routed and started driving straight to the PRC. Praise God!!! Let us pray that this young woman felt the Lord’s presence at the PRC yesterday and that her heart was softened and she is convicted to choose life for her precious baby. Thank you so much for your prayers!”

Coach Tabitha

“Greetings prayer warriors, I want to thank you all for your powerful prayers. I spoke with this young mom this morning and she was so happy. The father of her baby had a change of heart and is looking forward to having his child. Also, the father of the young mother has accepted and is supporting her in having his grandchild. She thanked me for checking on her and for the prayers. God hears our prayers!!”

Original Prayer Request:

“Hello everyone, I would like to ask for prayer for a young first time mom who wants to keep her baby. She is in college and has pressure to abort from both her father and the father of the baby. She is worried and feeling very sick with this pregnancy. Please pray that God intervenes and touches the hearts of the father of the baby and also the young mom’s dad to change their attitudes about the pregnancy and give the mom the support and love she needs to continue with her pregnancy. Please pray that this young mom is brave enough to have the confidence she needs to have and raise her baby. Please pray that the father recognizes his role as a gift from God.”

Coach Deborah

“I want to ask for prayers for this sweet mom I have the opportunity to serve. I spoke with her a few days ago and she is 12 weeks pregnant. Last week, the father of the baby obtained abortion pills and forced her to take them. A week later she had an ultrasound at a pregnancy center and the baby is still alive and well. Seeing her baby on the ultrasound has really helped her realize she is carrying a baby and to have a mama’s heart toward this little one. The father of the baby, who she lives with, continues to pressure her to take more abortion pills. She wants to say no to him but is struggling to stand up to him. Please pray for courage and for strength for this young mom to stand up for what she wants and the life of this baby. Pray that she would remember the words of hope and encouragement poured into her by the pregnancy center and PDL regarding the value of her baby’s life and the value of her life. Thank you for interceding on behalf of these precious lives.”

Coach Rebecca

“I just got off of a call with a client whom I have been in communication with for a few weeks now. She is a fellow believer in very trying circumstances. I was able to share with her some of what Roland has been sharing with us about the Great Commandment. Well today, she told me with peace, joy and confidence that she has decided to complete her pregnancy and have her baby. Please keep her in your prayers but rejoice at the work of our redeeming and saving LORD!”

Coach Sheila

“There is rejoicing in heaven today over one sinner that repents! During a follow up call, I was able to share the Gospel with a client today and she wanted to repent and respond to Christ. I led her through the sinner’s prayer for salvation. She is someone who called recently with a pregnancy scare and was inquiring about abortion.”

PDL Coach

“I am requesting prayer and PRAISE for a very sweet mama. I had the opportunity to speak with her earlier this week and she was so overwhelmed with fear of being pregnant again, she has a little one that’s a few months old and her older child doesn’t want her to keep having babies. Her and her husband are not in a very secure spot, financially, so that was causing fear as well. At the time of our call, she was very uncertain of her decision but agreed to schedule an ultrasound appointment at a PRC. As I was checking in on her today, she said that they have decided to choose life for their baby!! Praise God!! Please join me in praying that financial blessings come their way and that they are met with all the resources they need throughout the pregnancy and once the baby is born and please pray that they would come to know The Lord. Thank you all for the prayers, the PDL team is very grateful.”

Coach Rebecca

“Please join me in praying for a recent client. She is still hurting from a coerced abortion she experienced when she was much younger and more vulnerable. Now, she finds herself pregnant again and is facing pressure to abort her baby. During our conversations, she decided to follow her heart and do what she has wanted to do all along: give life to her baby. Please pray that as she and the baby’s father visit a pregnancy center, they would find the help and support they need to walk out this decision. Praise God that we were able to talk and that her heart responded to the hope I was able to offer her. Also, pray that as they visit the center, she finds healing from her past abortion and that she would truly be forgiven and set free.”

Coach Emily

Please join me in prayer for a young woman I recently spoke with. She is late in her pregnancy, and the father of her baby has just left her for someone else, forcing her and her small child to leave their home. This came as a complete shock to her. She now has no permanent place to stay, no vehicle, and a limited support system, as her family lives in another country. Overwhelmed and in shock, she feels that abortion is her only real option. Please pray that the Lord would provide a safe place for her and her child to live and help her see past her fear and despair. Pray that her path to abortion would be blocked and that the Lord would use this baby to bring her a glimmer of hope. Also, pray that people would come alongside her, showing the love of Christ in practical and tangible ways as she works to rebuild her life.