Success & Impact
Measures of Success
Each year, PDL takes over 5,400 calls and more than half of the callers are actively considering abortion. We need to scale PDL’s capacity to reach more callers — so they have the opportunity to process their thoughts and feelings and consider their options in a safe space — before they reach an abortion hotline or clinic and abortion is the only option presented to them.

Opportunity for Greater Impact
Recent developments have dramatically increased the need to expand PDL as quickly as possible:
- Double the size of our PDL staff, including adding more medical and bilingual PDL coaches
- Increase our marketing efforts to reach more callers
- Continue to increase the percentage of PDL clients who are connected to pregnancy centers for ongoing support
- Expand and fine tune the new chat feature on the PDL website
Scaling PDL
Here is the funding that is required to dramatically scale PDL to have a transformative, gospel-centered impact on various numbers of callers:
- To serve 10,000 women and men considering abortion annually, a total PDL budget of $1,133,000 is needed. Based on historical data, we project this would result in 3,330 callers being referred to pregnancy centers, 6,500 callers receiving follow up assistance, and 3,330 verified unborn lives saved from abortion.
- To serve 25,000 women and men considering abortion annually, a total PDL budget of $2,133,000 is needed. Based on historical data, we project this would result in 8,325 callers being referred to pregnancy centers, 16,250 callers receiving follow up assistance, and 8,325 verified unborn lives saved from abortion.
- To serve 50,000 women and men considering abortion annually, a total PDL budget of $5,133,000 is needed. Based on historical data, we project this would result in 16,650 callers being referred to pregnancy centers, 32,500 callers receiving follow up assistance, and 16,650 verified unborn lives saved from abortion.

Map of Pregnancy Decision Line Calls
Each pin represents one of the 5,400+ calls taken by PDL coaches between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024