Distinctives of PDL
Who are the PDL callers?
Each year, PDL takes over 5,400 calls from women and men facing unplanned, unexpected, or unexpectedly complicated pregnancies. Over 50% of PDL callers are actively considering abortion and seeking information about how to access an abortion. Other callers include women who have recently taken the abortion pill and are in crisis, as well as relatives of someone facing an unplanned pregnancy. Calls to PDL are exclusively from the U.S.
How long are PDL calls?
The typical call to PDL lasts 10-15 minutes, with some calls being considerably longer depending on the caller’s needs.
What is the goal for a caller?
While PDL coaches are trained on educating callers on the value of scheduling an appointment at pregnancy centers, PDL coaches provide compassion, hope and help to each caller by taking time to understand each caller’s unique circumstances. PDL coaches are trained to tailor each client interaction to meet the caller’s needs, whether that’s immediately transferring the caller to a pregnancy center, providing abortion education, explaining the value of an ultrasound, or sharing Christ’s love.
Who staffs PDL?
PDL staff consists of medical and non-medical coaches. Accordingly, PDL operates under the direction of Care Net’s National Medical Director, Dr. Sandy Christiansen, MD, FACOG. Medical information provided by coaches is derived from reliably-sourced material and reviewed by a team of physicians.
Do callers receive coaching or options counseling?
Yes – Callers to PDL receive options counseling as part of Care Net’s efforts to bring its Pro Abundant Life mission and vision to every single caller. Accordingly, PDL coaches speak to callers about their emotional, relational, and spiritual needs, in addition to working to address their immediate physical needs.
Do callers to PDL receive follow-up communications?
Yes – PDL corresponds and checks in multiple times with callers beyond their initial phone call to support them throughout their pregnancy. PDL acknowledges that calling PDL may be the first step on their journey of choosing life for their unborn child and abundant life for their families. Accordingly, emails, texts, and follow up phone calls are all employed to ensure we are providing ongoing support to callers.
Do PDL callers receive spiritual support or guidance?
Yes – In keeping with Care Net’s Pro Abundant Life mission and vision, and with sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they deliver holistic coaching, PDL Coaches offer callers the opportunity to hear about the hope and abundant life only found in a relationship with Jesus.
How are calls funded?
PDL uses Google Ads and search engine optimization – funded by Care Net’s donors – to enable abortion-determined women and men to find and call PDL.
Does PDL track metrics to assess its impact and make improvements?
Yes – Care Net maintains dozens of data points on PDL callers in order to assess our ministry impact, make improvements, and adapt to changing needs…such as the increase in Spanish speaking callers. However, the “hard” data points we track only consider the caller and do not account for the indirect impact on the lives of others immediately connected to the pregnancy decision — i.e. the unborn baby, the other parent, maternal and paternal parents, etc. Just factoring in the six people mentioned, PDLs ministry to the over 2,700 callers who are actively considering abortion indirectly impacts almost 19,000 people annually…at a minimum.
Does PDL offer bilingual coaching?
Yes – We have seen the number of Spanish speaking callers increase dramatically over the last 24 months. To address this growing need, we have added bilingual coaches to our team and have plans to add more.
What are PDL’s hours of operations
Currently, PDL is a Monday through Friday business hour call center. However, we are
planning to expand our hours of operation.